Modern system which really rescues ! - Новости и события


Вулканическая активность Земли

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Modern system which really rescues !


Intis Telecommunication - wide-scale program which can provide answer for varied issues. The tool helps to transfer message effortlessly.

Main part

People everywhere are enthusiastic by sending vital information, having conversation about the latest news, or setting tasks. According to the hurried flow of our life and especially willing to save time - many of us prefer messages for the reason that that way of communication is the quickest and the most convenient for modern people. This simple and well-known software is created to help people to achieve their goals.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The usage of IntisTele system has a lot of pros. For example:

The mean time of bulk texting delivery is from 20 seconds to 3 minutes (in case area you are located possesses network coverage).


What prospects are available for departments and industries?

Solutions by department

Every company faces such concept as optimization of every single operation. This should be done to satisfy customer's needs.

SMS software is a perfect solution for system administrators. SMS software considered to be a useful mechanism reach each marketing goals. For instance:

Clear automation and optimization of campaigns` schedules. You will not neglect your co-workers` birthday because of this SMS program.

It is possible to share information about new offers. It is possible to personalize each bulk text and form it in original way.

SMS software could become an inherent part of the department`s everyday routine. This software can help:

Detailed logs and online information will keep you informed about last activity and sub-account performance.

Software engineers can integrate Intis Telecommunication API gateway.

By virtue of the innovation it is possible to deliver big amount of  SMS, update contact database.

Not restricted by time testing access to IntisTele messages software gives permission for debugging your unique software solutions.

It is easy to start with IntisTele SDK for C#.

IntisTele plugins and widgets were created for smoothing integration of most major CMS (Drupal).

Bulk texting commands are a rescue for sysadmins as they can establish distant administration and server management.

Alert timely about the problems.

No need for internet access, as all servers are managed by SMS commands.

Business owners also are able to arrange their employees' schedule because of the bulk texting software. Moreover, there are much more solutions which are provided for business people.

Give instructions for your coworkers.

Intis Telecommunication software is suitable for everyone. Here it is possible to get acquainted recognizable web interface, variant of payment action that will match every wallet and a very captivating affiliate program. With SMS software:

It is possible to get easy access to functions. Only few components that you require for using SMS service are the Internet and browser.

Industries and SMS solutions

The bulk texting system solution is perfect choice for transport. The SMS software solves a issues of different spheres in various industries.

With SMS solutions insurance companies could propose the best service for the clients.

It is a excellent solution for chain stores. With SMS system there is an alternative to set up notifications concerning discounts.

You can apply SMS system into the transport actions, for example transportation companies.

SMS software considered to be the best solution to improve travel & transport actions and make customers enjoy a better experience in the time of their journeys.

SMS software could be helpful for startups and IT. This application is required for hosting.

SMS notify to supply safety. It could be applied for surveillance.

Prices for SMS

It is easy to top up your balance and settle the amount of money which you are ready to give. IntisTele could propose different ways to fund the balance. For example, Credit cards.


Application Programming Interface is a method, with the help of which one device has ability to interact with the other device. This system was created to mix varied apps in one complex.

With API you can send a single text message

It can be introduced to ESP.


If you have any additional questions about the system and how it works, do not hesitate to visit IntisTele FAQ.

Perfect SMS:guidelines

Make SMS targeted. Break the database into separate categories by age.

Since this moment you can deliver offers only to clients who are interested in product.

Integrate call-to-action into the bulk texting mail-outs. Your text should contain information which will inspire the user make a move. To achieve the desired result, do not forget to leave your address.

Create all the basic conditions for clients to come and then it is more likely to gain conversion rates.

Mention your name. It would be better to mark your name right at the beginning of the text message. It will lead to needed concentration to your SMS and make the message one-of-a-kind. Customers will constantly know company which addresses them.

Write short and sharp . One of the least unfavorable things you could figure out to your SMS newsletter is sophisticated wording.

The abundance of text in your message can force the user neglect it sooner than view. The compact belk text is crucial to high conversions.

Affiliate program

Owing to a unique IntisTele Affiliate program the user could get a commission because of attracting first time customer. You can get up to 10% of the month's top-up balance payment, which is made by the client you have brought to IntisTele program.



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>>>: Новости и события - Modern system which really rescues !